Monday, February 25, 2013


This past week has been chock full of interesting tidbits and parenting news items.  There never seems to be enough time to actually read the Sunday Times, tumblr pages, all the magazines piled up, etc.  So, here's a list of a few (in my humble opinion) thrilling things to check out.

*Model Mothers I adore this slideshow of models and their mothers.  Just in time for fashion week, its a lovely homage to the beauty of mothers-- and in this case, ones with great genes.

*The Evolution of Mom Dancing- Michelle Obama does an amazing Dougie.

*Born To Wait: For City Parents, a Waiting List for Nearly Everything  Everyone living in NYC realizes how competitive it can be, and great classes for your kids can be harder to get into than Harvard.  This NY Times article showcases how demand outweighs the supply for desirable programs.

*Bullies Called Him Pork Chops- this animated short by Shane Koyczan won the Sundance short.  It's pretty much all over the internet, but if you haven't seen it- here it is.  I find it pretty heavy handed, but it's got a powerful anti-bullying message which is rad.

Molly Ringwald on The Moth- I heard this great segment on NPR and I thought this was another interesting take on bullying.  Molly Ringwald really was a huge inspiration to so many freaks and geeks (myself included!) and what a full circle life can be.

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